Showcase of a few of my Github repositories
Unreal Engine
- UE Git Plugin (repo): the official Unreal Engine Git Source Control Provider Plugin.
UE Plastic SCM Plugin (repo): the official Unreal Engine Plastic SCM Source Control Provider Plugin.
UE4 Procedural Mesh: using the Unreal Engine 4 UProceduralMeshComponent.
- UE4 Architecture Vis Demo (repo): run a live demo in the browser using HTML5.
Clic the image for the HTML5/WebAssembly live demo
- UE4 Quick Start: a mix of various Unreal Engine 4 C++ Tutorials.
- SQLiteC++ (repo): a smart an easy to use C++ wrapper to the SQLite3 library.
- SimplexNoise: A Perlin’s Simplex Noise C++ Implementation (1D, 2D, 3D).
2D image of fractal noise with 7 octaves of 2D Simplex Noise (from my SimplexNoiseCImg example project)
shared_ptr (repo): a minimal light and fast shared_ptr implementation designed to handle cases where boost/std::shared_ptr are not available.
- LoggerC++ (repo): a simple, elegant and efficient C++ logger library.
- HtmlBuilder: a simple C++ HTML DOM generator (used in a couple embedded webservice).
- Add references to my experiments with Entity Component Systems (ecs)
- Add references to my experiments with Open GL, including my little gltext
- Add references to my experiments with Ogre 3D
- Add references to my experiments with ZeroMQ (eg ZMQCpp)