Unreal Engine 4.7 Released with my Git Source Control plugin!

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Great news, Unreal Engine 4.7 has been released (UE blog) with my Git Source Control Provider plugin (Github)! Unreal Engine Logo

This release includes 38 great changes that were submitted from Unreal Engine’s amazing community of developers. Epic would like to especially thank community member Sébastien Rombauts for contributing his Git source control plugin to Unreal Engine for this release. Amazing work! Thanks to all of the contributors below

and later down:

Git Source Control Plugin (Beta!) Thanks to community member Sébastien Rombauts for graciously contributing his excellent Git source control plugin to Unreal Engine!! If you connect your project to a Git repository, the editor supports most source control interactions such as adding and removing files, committing changes, displaying file history, diffing files, and displaying the source control status of any asset.

(emphasized are not mine :))

I’ve started working on this open source C++ Git plugin (Github) not long after the UE 4 “open source” release in early 2014. I’ve released a first rough alpha version of the plugin in May 2014 (blog). Since then, I’ve poured dozens of hours of work to maintain and improve it.

Git Logo

Lately they asked me for official integration, and I am proud of it!